Welcome to Zion Lutheran Church Blackduck MN
8:30 AM Worhip Service Sunday Holy communion is the first and third of each month.
Tuesday Quilters
9:00 AM -12:00 PM every Tuesday

Tuesday Quilters make quilts for homeless shelters, battered women, fire victiums, people experiencing loss, baptisms, and high school graduation. 

Adult Bible Study
9:30 AM Thursday mornings

Open to all.  Bible Study members meet in the Sunroom of the Good Samirtan Senior Living Center.  The study  is on the gospel of Matthew by Tara Leigh Cobble.

Youth Activities
Youth Activities are the first and third Wednesday after school

Faith Buddies (K-6 grade) meet at 4:30 PM with a meal at 5:30 PM.  Confirmation students (Grades 7-9) have a meal at 5:30 and class from 6:30-7:30 PM.  Confirmation is held online the second and fourth Wednesday of every month.